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Category: Health and Wellness

10 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health and Well-Being

improve mental health

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it is something that fewer people pay attention to and fully understand. While you might readily notice if your stomach hurts, you might not take note of changes to your mental health as quickly. Because these situations can quickly deteriorate, it is important to work to improve your mental health and well-being. Here are ten ways to improve your mental health and well being. 1. Talk to your doctor. Your primary care physician might...

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How to Deal with Anger and Let Go

how to deal with anger and let go

A quote often attributed to Nelson Mandela goes, "Anger is like drinking poison, expecting the other person to die." Anger is often stigmatized, with both men and women being told that they are not allowed to be angry. The truth is that anger is a natural human emotion, especially when someone has legitimately caused hurt, but that doesn't mean you want to be angry forever. Holding on to anger and resentment will not just make you unhappy, it can actually affect your health. Here's how to deal...

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Beginners Guide to Finding the Right Therapist

beginner's guide to finding the right therapist philadelphia

Not every therapist is going to be right for every person. Not every therapist has the same training or specialty. Who your friends see might not be the right choice for you if you have different issues that you need to discuss. If you are just starting to look for a therapist and you have never seen one before, you might not know what constitutes the right therapist for you. If you are a beginner in the world of therapy, check out this Beginner's Guide to Finding the Right Therapist. Should I...

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When to Find a Therapist

when to find a therapist philadelphia

Every person experiences sadness, stress, grief, and guilt. These are normal human emotions, but there are times when these emotions start to take over your life. Seeing a therapist can be a great way to work through difficult emotions, learning how to deal with them straight-on. Sometimes just saying something out loud to a person who is trained to help you analyze and handle your anxiety or sadness can solve the problem. The big question, though, is when to find a therapist? 1. Every emotion...

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8 Signs You’ve Found the Right Therapist

the right therapist phildelphia

It can be difficult to know, especially at the beginning, that you have found the right therapist for you. There is a difference between a good therapist and a therapist who is right for you. The first person you meet with might end up not being a good fit. The second, third, and fourth therapists might not be a good fit. Here are eight signs you should look for that will help you know that you have found the right therapist for you. 1. They do not sound like a television therapist. We’ve...

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What It Means To Hold Space For Someone

to hold space

To be a good therapist Years ago I had a professor who said, "If you want to be a good therapist you need to do two things." "One, be nice." "Two, read existential philosophy." "That's it!" Each time he said this, the class would chuckle and I would join them, not reflecting too deeply on such a statement. Eight years later I enrolled in a clinical refresher course with this same professor, who, again, started class with the same statement. "If you want to be a good therapist...

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How To Organize Your Day

organize your day

To Do Lists. Do you have too much to do?  Do you feel like you're never going to finish everything on your list? We've all been there, and while our To Do lists are unending, there's a simple way to organize your day. If you like good ole' fashion pen and paper, write out your To Do List. If prefer digital lists, then type your endless list into Apps like Cheddar, Momentum, Out of Milk, Colornote, Carrot, Google Tasks or whatever digital tracking program you prefer. Now, look at...

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Five Stress Busting Tips At Your Fingertips

stress tips

Stress is a part of everyday life, but how we manage stress is our choice. It’s easy to worry, feel overwhelmed and powerfulness over situations.  When stress peaks, use of (or all) of the techniques below to find focus and think more clearly.  Best of all, these stress busting resources are at your fingertips in any scenario. 1. People who get you.  Whether it’s a friend of many years, someone you recently met, someone you love or someone you work with, connect with someone with...

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3 Tips on Dealing with Adversity in Life

dealing with adversity

Life is filled with many unexpected challenges and adversity that can trigger a myriad of emotions, including stress and helplessness. There are healthy ways to manage these emotions and create growth within.  Here are 3 tips that will help you deal with life's unexpected adversity. 1. Ask yourself what can I learn from this situation? While our days may have some degree of predictability, it’s not uncommon to encounter unfamiliar events. When faced with situations that feel...

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Cope Better Therapy

Lori provides counseling to adults and couples in a comfortable environment in Rittenhouse Square. Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MbSR), she helps individuals live fuller lives.


2047 Locust St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(267) 326-1147


Please call (267) 326-1147 for hours.

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